About us
Kingsnorth Parish Council comprises of ten Parish Councillors representing a population of around 12,100 residents.
- Represent the interests of all residents of Kingsnorth
- Provide local amenities
- Produce plans for the long-term development of the Parish
- Review and comment on planning applications
- Budget annually for the council tax precept needed to deliver services to the Parish
Kingsnorth Parish Council acts as a link between its’ Parishioners, Ashford Borough Council, Kent County Council and other bodies to which it communicates matters of concern. It is consulted on planning applications in the Parish, on the Local Plan and on other matters of Local Government policy.
The Parish Council owns and maintains the playing fields, sports pavilion and play area situated between Park Farm and Kingsnorth Village. It can give support to help organisations with projects that benefit the local community and its members represent the Parish Council on other local organisations. Councillors also attend liaison meetings with the Borough Council, the Police and the Kent Association of Local Councils. Parish Council elections are held every four years, the last election was in May 2023.

Our Parish Councillors
Kingsnorth Parish Ward Map